About Me

Exchang estudent-tag

1) What's my name? 

2) How old am I?

    15 years (but only 1 1/2 months^^)

3) Where am I from?

     Half an hour away from Munich, Germany

4) Whats's my exchange year country?

 5) What's my exchange organisation?

6) Why just the USA?  

     Because it always fascinated me :)

7) How long am I gonna be here? 
    10 months / 1 school year

8) When did it started? 


9) When did I get my hostfamily? 

    February 2015

10) Why am I doing an exchange year? 

      Because I want to experience the american culture and the life as "an American", also I         want to improve my English :)

11) How did I get the idea of an exchange year? 
      Through a friend who did one
12) What do I hope from this year? 

      A second family and new friends on another continent, independence, ...

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